Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I've Been Slacking

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I realized I haven't written in awhile and I'm sorry. The bookstore that I work at has moved to a larger and nicer place. I love the new location and hopefully we will have more customers now that we are no longer downstairs. My other job has just started to take inventory today and I was lucky enough to have the day off. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. I only asked for two things for Christmas and received both plus some extra things, clothes and such. I now have an XBox 360 and a Sony Touch Edition Ereader. I am absolutely in love with both!! I will play my XBox while I download books for my ereader. While this is an excellent way to spend my free time it has now cut into my sleeping hours which were already messed up to begin with. I now have gotten into the habit where I don't finished either till 8am or so. So I just stay up all day and then go to sleep at around 6am the next morning. This morning was one of those morning. My laptop is grateful for the rest that I can tell you. It has been busy on and off all night/morning downloading books and putting them on the ereader. I eventually finished and stayed up reading till just a few minutes ago when I noticed that the rest of my family was finally waking up to start their day. I few errands to run today and hopefully will be able to have lunch at Ace's (one of our amazing little restaurants) with some family.


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