Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Tuesday, January 5, 2010
So I'm in something of a pickle. I came to stay at my friends house tonight so that we can go to work together tomorrow (save gas and all) and while I made it inside all right I can't get into the bedroom that I'm gonna be sleeping in. They leave the house door unlocked usually because the roommates key doesn't work very well in the door. I searched her room as best I could with the blue light from my cell phone and still couldn't find her keys. First you should probably know that she lives with her boyfriend and sleeps in his room but she has her own room upstairs where she keeps most of her things. Very smart I think. Well she doesn't want people to just walk into her room so she put a door lock on it. One problem she only has one key and it is playing hide and seek with me. Guess what! Its winning, cheater! So now I am just messing around on the net hoping she will wake up before her boyfriend gets home at 2am from work. I did not sleep last night and would love the chance to lay down on an actual bed and not a couch. And the phone just rang and I hope it didn't wake her. Only did it once though. What amazes me is how loud the keys on a keyboard can be when a house is dead quiet. Hmmm. Odd. Haha. I went and saw one of my ex's today. Turns out he is still hooked on me. Which is rather weird because I never really was his type. I never really know what to do in these situations. I have moved on but he thinks he can change my mind. Who knows. I am starting to wish I had brought a book or something with me to entertain me more, but then I never thought she would be asleep when I got here. Such is life tho. Maybe I'll do some book reviews. :)

My Addiction

Waldenbooks loved me two Saturdays ago. Sadly our Waldenbooks in Pensacola is closed which of course means SALE!!! I went with my grandparents just to go buy a book or two and left with One Hundred Dollars worth of books. Its insane I wasn't even in there for over an hour. The fault is completely theirs. For you see they had all the books in a trilogy that I had been looking at along with another trilogy and some loose books that go with a series I have. So as you can see it is their fault and I'm sticking to that belief! After we left there we preceded to go to Books A Million who just have to have bargain carts outside for $5, $3, and $1. How can you refuse that. Then when you walk in you're bombarded with bargain tables. It really is a conspiracy. I ended up buying 9 more books there. I should probably mention that all the books I bought were paperback so they were somewhat cheap but still that's more books than I needed as my grandmother said. One can never have too many books because one shall never know what one wants to read at all time, therefore one should have a large variety at hand at all times. At least that is what I think. My room on the other hand disagrees because it is running over with books. Both my bookcases are full of books, books are on the floor, on the bed, on the dresser, and on the desk. I really shouldn't need more but I really can't help it. I'm just as bad on my ereader. The thing is already over half way full and it holds 350 books. I did find this wonderful file that holds numerous paranormal romance series in it. I have only put a couple files onto my reader though. I fear at this rate I should never be able to buy more books again. Or if I do I shall have to buy them myself and go broke doing so. For I shall of that I can assure you.

I've Been Slacking

I realized I haven't written in awhile and I'm sorry. The bookstore that I work at has moved to a larger and nicer place. I love the new location and hopefully we will have more customers now that we are no longer downstairs. My other job has just started to take inventory today and I was lucky enough to have the day off. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. I only asked for two things for Christmas and received both plus some extra things, clothes and such. I now have an XBox 360 and a Sony Touch Edition Ereader. I am absolutely in love with both!! I will play my XBox while I download books for my ereader. While this is an excellent way to spend my free time it has now cut into my sleeping hours which were already messed up to begin with. I now have gotten into the habit where I don't finished either till 8am or so. So I just stay up all day and then go to sleep at around 6am the next morning. This morning was one of those morning. My laptop is grateful for the rest that I can tell you. It has been busy on and off all night/morning downloading books and putting them on the ereader. I eventually finished and stayed up reading till just a few minutes ago when I noticed that the rest of my family was finally waking up to start their day. I few errands to run today and hopefully will be able to have lunch at Ace's (one of our amazing little restaurants) with some family.
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